閣下因使用THE GULU 應用程式而向 Gorilla Group Limited (下稱「GGL」、「我們」或「我們的」) 提供的任何個人資料,只會根據私穩政策使用。就管理收集之個人資料,GGL將會致力保障使用者的私隱權益,並會遵照香港法例中《個人資料(私隱)條例》(第486章)的規定。就此,GGL指示屬下職員遵守有關保安及保密的嚴格內部標準。
1. 收集的資料
1.1 收集使用者提供之個人資料
當您於THE GULU 應用程式登記帳戶及使用該應用程式,您需要提供:
a) 您的姓名,手機號碼,電子郵件地址,年齡,用戶名,密碼和其他註冊信息;
b) 與交易相關的信息,例如您購買時,回復任何要約,或下載或使用THE GULU應用程式的申請;
c) 您在聯繫我們尋求幫助時向我們提供的信息; 和
d) 您在使用THE GULU應用程式時輸入我們系統的信息,例如聯繫信息和項目管理信息。
於我們登記帳戶為選擇性的。請注意您將不能使用THE GULU應用程式的部份工能,除非您已成為我們登記帳戶。
2 自動收集的個人資料
此外,THE GULU應用程式可能會自動收集某些信息,包括但不限於您使用的移動設備類型,移動設備唯一設備ID,移動設備的IP地址,移動操作系統,您使用的移動設備類型互聯網瀏覽器,以及有關您使用THE GULU應用程式的信息方式。
2. 使用個人資料
a) 使用THE GULU應用程式,包括認證身份、付款、溝通、餐廳預訂等;
b) 提供給您重要訊息、公告及市場推廣;
c) 獲得您同意後的商品和服務促銷;
d) 更新及改進現有服務、調查投訴等;和
e) 持續研究改善服務及進行市場研究。
3. 個人資料的轉移
- 根據法律要求,例如遵守傳票或類似的法律程序;
- 當我們真誠地相信披露是保護我們的權利,保護您的安全或他人的安全,調查 欺詐或回應政府要求所必需的;
- 我們信任的服務提供商代表我們工作,不會獨立使用我們向他們披露的信息,並同意遵守本隱私聲明中規定的規則。
- 如果GGL參與合併,收購或出售其全部或部分資產,我們將通過電子郵件和/或我們網站上的顯著通知通知您所有權或使用此信息的任何變更,以及您對此信息的任何選擇。
(a) 客戶查詢;
(b) 快遞、送貨、物流及倉庫服務;
(c) 郵件操作;
(d) 資訊科技服務;
(e) 安裝、保養及維修服務;
(f) 市場促銷、廣告及電話促銷服務;
(g) 市場調查;
(h) 客戶使用量及行為分析;
(i) 程序管理;
(j) 售後服務;
(k) 調查;
(l) 網站使用量分析;及
(m) 雲端儲存服務。
4. 用戶查閲、更正及刪除個人資料的權利
我們採取一切合理的預防措施,以確保我們收集、使用及披露的個人資料是準確、完整和 最新的。然而,個人資料的準確性在很大程度上取決於您提供的個人資料。您有權要求查閱、複印和更正您的個人資料,我們建議您:(a)當您發現個人資料記錄有任何錯誤時請通知我們;及 (b)請通知我們若您的個人資料有所改變或更新。 若您希望查閲或更正我們持有的您的任何個人資料,或要求我們刪除任何不再因爲我 們提供的服務而需要保存的資料,您可以按照下述之「聯絡方式」與我們聯絡。 如您為THEGULU 應用程式之用戶,您可登入 您的戶口,於編輯個人資料欄目中查閲和更正您的個人資料,行使您的查閱及修正權利。
5. 我的退出權利是什麼?
您可以通過卸載THE GULU應用程式輕鬆地停止THE GULU應用程式的所有信息收集(包括促銷活動)。 您可以使用標準卸載過程,這些過程可能是移動設備的一部分,也可能是THE GULU應用程式市場或網絡。 您也可以發送電子郵件至privacy@thegulu.com申請退出。
6. 數據保留政策,管理您的個人信息
只要您使用THE GULU應用程式,我們將保留用戶提供的數據,並在此後的合理時間內保留。 當不再需要該個人資料時,會於可行時間內銷毀或移除。如果您希望我們刪除您通過THE GULU應用程式提供的用戶個人資料,請通過privacy@thegulu.com與我們聯繫,我們將在合理的時間內回覆。 請注意,為了使THE GULU應用程式正常運行,可能需要部分或全部用戶提供的個人資料。
我們不會使用該THE GULU應用程式向13歲以下的兒童索取個人資料或向其營銷。如果父母或監護人發現他或她的孩子在未經他人同意的情況下向我們提供了信息,他或她應該透過privacy@thegulu.com與我們聯繫。 我們將在合理的時間內從我們的文件中刪除此類信息。
我們關心保護您的機密性個人資料。 我們提供物理,電子和程序保護措施,以保護我們處理和維護的個人資料。用戶個人資料的存取和處理只授權有需要知道該資料以便運營,開發或改進THE GULU應用程式的員工和承包商。用戶個人資料會以加密的數據形式存放於獨立伺服器。 請注意,儘管我們努力為我們處理和維護的信息提供合理的安全性,但沒有任何安全系統可以防止所有潛在的安全漏洞。
9. 聯繫
THE GULU應用程式可能包括第三方之材料和/或第三方之鏈結或平台。GGL不能完全控制該第三方之材料和/或第三方之鏈結或平台。煩請用戶參考該第三方的私隱政策以保障其私隱。
10. 更新
本隱私政策可能因任何原因不時更新。 我們將在THE GULU應用程式發布新的隱私政策,通知您我們的隱私政策的任何變更。
11. 你的同意
使用本THE GULU應用程式,即表示您同意我們按照本隱私政策中的規定處理您的信息,並由我們進行修訂。 “處理”是指在計算機/手持設備上使用cookie或以任何方式使用或觸摸信息,包括但不限於收集,存儲,刪除,使用,組合和披露信息,所有這些活動都將發生在香港。如果您居住在香港以外的地方,您的個人資料將根據香港隱私標准進行轉移,處理和存儲。
12. 聯繫我們
如果您在使用本THE GULU應用程式時對隱私有任何疑問,或對我們的做法有疑問,請發送電子郵件至privacy@thegulu.com與我們聯繫。
13. 關於上載聯絡人
上載聯絡人是一項可選功能,讓系統查詢裝置通訊錄中哪些聯絡人同時為 THE GULU 的註冊用戶。讓您可以向您的聯絡人同時是THE GULU 的註冊用戶分享餐廳資料,排隊飛或贈送優惠劵等。我們重視您的私隱,因此不會與向第三方分享您的聯絡人名單。
當您使用上載聯絡人功能並授權 THE GULU 存取裝置通訊錄,THE GULU 會定期或按用戶主動更新存取並上載通訊錄中的手機號碼,包括 THE GULU 用戶及其他聯絡人的手機號碼和姓名。
Privacy Policy
Updated on 08/10/2020.
When using THE GULU Application (“THE GULU Application”), you may be required to provide Gorilla Group Limited (“GGL”, “we” or “us”) with your personal information. Any personal information provided to GGL will be used in accordance with this Privacy Policy. GGL is committed to protecting the users’ right of privacy and will comply with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong) with respect to the management of personal information collected. GGL will instruct its staff to comply with related internal security and confidentiality rules.
This Privacy Policy governs your use of THE GULU Application and is designed to help you understand what information GGL gathers and what GGL does with the information.
1. Collection of Information
1.1 Collection of User Provided Personal Information
When you register an account with us and use THE GULU Application, you may be required to provide:-
a) your name, mobile number, email address, age, user name, password and other registration information;
b) transaction-related information, such as when you make purchases, respond to any offers, or download or use THE GULU Application from us;
c) information you provide us when you contact us for help; and
d) information you enter into our system when using THE GULU Application, such as contact information and project management information.
Registration of an account with us is optional. However, please keep in mind that you may not be able to use some of the features offered by THE GULU Application unless you register with us.
1.2 Automatically Collected Personal Information
In addition, THE GULU Application may collect certain information automatically, including, but not limited to, the type of mobile device you use, your mobile devices unique device ID, the IP address of your mobile device, your mobile operating system, the type of mobile internet browsers you use, and information about the way you use THE GULU Application.
2. Usage of Personal Information
The collected personal information may be used for the following purposes (but not limited to:
a) usage of THE GULU Application (including verifying your identity, taking payments, communicating with you, making a restaurant reservation for you);
b) providing you with important information, required notices and marketing promotions;
c) direct marketing of products and services after obtaining prior consent from you;
d) designing new or improving existing services provided by us; investigation of complaints; and
e) ongoing research for service improvement; and conducting market research.
We will not use personal information or provide personal information to third parties for use in direct marketing without your explicit consent. If we intend to use the personal information for direct marketing, we will obtain explicit consent from you before using your personal information, and will cease to use the personal information in direct marketing if you so require.
3. Transfer of Personal Information
We will share your personal information with third parties only in the ways that are described in this Privacy Policy.
We may disclose user provided and automatically collected personal information: as required by law, such as to comply with a subpoena, or similar legal process; when we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, protect your safety or the safety of others, investigate fraud, or respond to a government request; with our trusted services providers who work on our behalf, do not have an independent use of the information we disclose to them, and have agreed to adhere to the rules set forth in this Privacy Policy; or if GGL is involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or a portion of its assets, where you will be notified via email and/or a prominent notice on our website of any change in ownership or uses of this information, as well as any choices you may have regarding this information.
In order to provide the Services that you have requested, we may also disclose your personal information to organisations or parties outside of GGL (which may be within or outside of Hong Kong) (collectively, "Organisations"). Your personal information is disclosed to these Organisations for the strict purpose of enabling us to supply our Services to you.
These Organisations provide support services to our businesses and operations including without limitation:
a. customer enquiries;
b. courier, delivery, logistic and warehouse services;
c. mailing operations;
d. information technology services;
e. installation, maintenance and repair services;
f. marketing, advertising and telemarketing services;
g. market research;
h. customer usage and behavioural analysis;
i. process management;
j. after sale services;
k. surveys;
l. website usage analysis; and
m. cloud storage services.
These Organisations use your personal information for the sole purpose of carrying out the services for which they have been engaged, and not for their own or other purposes (including direct marketing).
4. Review, Correction and Deletion of Personal Information
We take all reasonable precautions to ensure that the personal information provided or collected, used or disclosed is accurate, complete and up-to-date. However, the accuracy of such information depends to a large extent on the personal information you provide. You have the right to request access to or a copy of, and correction of, your personal information and we recommend that you: (a) let us know if there are any errors in your personal information; and (b) keep us up-to-date with changes to your personal information. If you wish to access or amend any of your personal information we hold, or request that we delete any of your personal information that is no longer necessary for the provision of our services, you may contact us in the manner as set forth below in the “Contact Us” section. If you are a user of THE GULU Application, you may exercise your right of access and correction by logging on to your account in THE GULU Application where you will be able to view and correct your personal information.
5. What are my opt-out rights?
You can stop all collection of information (including direct marketing) by THE GULU Application easily by uninstalling THE GULU Application. You may use the standard uninstall processes as may be available as part of your mobile device or via THE GULU Application marketplace or network. You can also request to opt-out via email, at privacy@thegulu.com.
6. Data Retention Policy, Managing Your Personal Information
We will retain user provided personal information for as long as you use THE GULU Application and for a reasonable time thereafter to fulfil the aforementioned purposes. We will retain automatically collected information for up to 24 months and thereafter may store it in aggregate. Personal information which is no longer required will be destroyed or anonymised as soon as practicable. If you wish to request us to delete your personal information that you have provided via THE GULU Application, please contact us at privacy@thegulu.com and we will respond in a reasonable time. Please note that some or all of the user provided personal information may be required in order for THE GULU Application to function properly.
7. Children
We do not use THE GULU Application to knowingly solicit information from or market to children under the age of 13. If a parent or guardian becomes aware that his or her child has provided us with information without their consent, he or she should contact us at privacy@thegulu.com. We will delete such information from our files within a reasonable time.
8. Security
We are concerned about safeguarding the confidentiality of your personal information. We provide physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect personal information we process and maintain. All your personal information will only be accessed or processed by authorized employees or contractors who need to know that information in order to operate, develop or improve THE GULU Application and will be stored and kept in an independent server in data format will be encrypted. Please be aware that, although we endeavour to provide reasonable security for information we process and maintain, no security system can prevent all potential security breaches.
9. Links
THE GULU Application may contain third party materials and/or third party links or platforms. GGL has no control over these third party materials and/or third party links or platforms. Please refer to those third parties’ privacy policies to protect your own privacy.
10. Changes
This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time for any reason. We will notify you of any changes to our Privacy Policy by posting the new Privacy Policy on THE GULU Application.
11. Your Consent
By using THE GULU Application, you are consenting to our processing of your personal information as set forth in this Privacy Policy now and as amended by us. "Processing,” means using cookies on a computer/hand held device or using or touching information in any way, including, but not limited to, collecting, storing, deleting, using, combining and disclosing information, all of which activities will take place in Hong Kong. If you reside outside Hong Kong your personal information will be transferred, processed and stored there under Hong Kong privacy standards.
12. Contact us
If you have any questions regarding privacy while using THE GULU Application, or have questions about our practices, please contact us via email at privacy@thegulu.com.
13. About contact upload
Contact upload is an optional feature that allows us to check which of your contacts in your device's address book are also THE GULU users. We care about your privacy and don't share your contact list with third party. This allows you to share restaurant information, e-tickets or send your coupon as a gift to the specific THE GULU users.
When you use contact upload and grant THE GULU access to your device address book, THE GULU will access and upload the phone numbers in your address book and name on a regular basis on upon user action.
If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail
Nothing in this Privacy Policy shall affect GGL’s rights and obligations under the Terms and Conditions.